JPilot V2

JPilot V2

High density autopilot module

JPilot is a micro-autopilot module fully designed and developed in-house. It is built on the concept of “N-redundancy”, allowing multiple modules to be placed on a single carrier board with an FPGA arbitration circuit. It contains redundant power suplies, IMUs and fully isolated 100M Ethernet “DirectHIL” interface.


Connect multiple modules to a deterministic arbitration circuit


Easily plugs into a custom carrier boards with 2 mezzanine connectors

Runs open source firmware

Compatible with Ardupilot and your own software

License, offset and customization

Licensed production and customization available

Technical Specification


55x28 mm




Ethernet, SPI, I2C, USART, PWM, CAN


3x IMU, 2x barometer, 1x magneto-inductive magnetometer, 1x Hall magnetometer, L1 GNSS RX with internal antenna and u.fl. for external antenna (with automatic switchover)

Additional features

4x redundant power supplies, buffered GPIOs, ESD & OV & OC protection

Projekty finansowane z budżetu Państwa