JPilot is a micro-autopilot module fully designed and developed in-house. It is built on the concept of “N-redundancy”, allowing multiple modules to be placed on a single carrier board with an FPGA arbitration circuit. It contains redundant power suplies, IMUs and fully isolated 100M Ethernet “DirectHIL” interface.
Connect multiple modules to a deterministic arbitration circuit
Easily plugs into a custom carrier boards with 2 mezzanine connectors
Compatible with Ardupilot and your own software
Licensed production and customization available
55x28 mm
Ethernet, SPI, I2C, USART, PWM, CAN
3x IMU, 2x barometer, 1x magneto-inductive magnetometer, 1x Hall magnetometer, L1 GNSS RX with internal antenna and u.fl. for external antenna (with automatic switchover)
Additional features
4x redundant power supplies, buffered GPIOs, ESD & OV & OC protection
Projekty finansowane z budżetu Państwa